Bagram Air Base (OAI)

Information about airport - Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code OAIX
Longitude 34.9460983276
Latitude 69.2649993896

Cities near Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan

City, country Distance (km)
Kabul 47.23 km
Bamyan 84.44 km

Pictures near Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan

Afghanistan, l'altopiano desertico del Rigestan Afghanistan, l'altopiano desertico del Rigestan Refugees on the way to Bagram Electricity line from tajikestan to Kabul Soviet era building.
Bagram Air Field Chashma e Sayad bagram Afg Mine Field
a tricycle Old Russian aircraft Bagram road Sayad, Kapisa 2
bagram airfield Testin out the 777 Way To Salang,near Qarabagh Way To Salang,near charikar

Pictures of Bagram Air Base
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Afghanistan, Kabul