Konduz Airport (UND)

Information about airport - Konduz Airport, Afghanistan

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code OAUZ
Longitude 36.6651000976562
Latitude 68.9107971191406

Pictures near Konduz Airport, Afghanistan

Anflug auf Kunduz Kunduz in winter qonduz,afghanistan risefield Buskashi in Kunduz Kunduz - soviet helicopter
Sunset over chardara district of Kunduz province german former PRT Konduz River Bridge crisalide kunduz main street - bazar-market
Kunduz north gate T55 Near Isa Khel at 03.04.10, Afghanistan hard winter in afghanistan The Forms-Kunduz
market Near to masjid mawlavi sarajuddin قندوز village station

Pictures of Konduz Airport
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Afghanistan, Kabul