Queen Beatrix International Airport (AUA)

Information about airport - Queen Beatrix International Airport, Aruba

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code TNCA
Longitude 12.5013999938965
Latitude -70.0151977539062

Cities near Queen Beatrix International Airport, Aruba

City, country Distance (km)
Oranjestad 2.71 km

Pictures near Queen Beatrix International Airport, Aruba

Honeymoon Sunset, Island of Aruba, Caribbean Sea, 1994 Aruba, Eagle Beach, Fofoti Tree "Hasta pronto Aruba" Wind and waves pounding the rocky NE coast ¡Aguas cristalinas en el arrecife! Aruba.
Entre corales. Aruba.  La Iglesia de Santa Ana . Tallados a mano en el altar de roble. Aruba. Offroading on the NE side of the island The Westin Aruba Resort Alto Vista Chapel, Aruba
Beach at Bucuti Beach Resort "En el fondo del mar" Aruba. Aruba Ayo Rock Formation Aeropuerto Reina Beatrix. Aruba.
中美洲阿魯巴小屋 Aruba, Wishing Rock Piles Offroading on the NE side of the island Oranjestad Aruba, viewed from a cruise ship Cactus on Hooiberg

Pictures of Queen Beatrix International Airport
Book hotel

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Aruba, Oranjestad