Vöslau Airport

Information about airport - Vöslau Airport, Austria

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LOAV
Longitude 47.9650001525879
Latitude 16.2600002288818

Cities near Vöslau Airport, Austria

City, country Distance (km)
Vienna 28.17 km
Bratislava 66.15 km
Szombathely 85.56 km

Pictures near Vöslau Airport, Austria

Kaiserbahnhof Laxenburg flieger & flieger  Restaurant Let's have a party Anninger mit Felder Kläranlage Trumau - Schönau
210 Route Allerlij 2 001 Am Pfarrplatz 2 - In dem rechten Trakt oben wohnte Beethoven 1817 SCS-SHOPING CITY SUD NIEDEROSTERREICH
Überschwemmung Luftaufnahme Cessna 182 Laxenburg Schlossplatz Kastélypark, Laxenburg Kanal - Abendstimmung
Laxenberg Laxenburg Laxenburg Laxenburg Castle tree01

Pictures of Vöslau Airport
Book hotel

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Austria, Vienna