Dawson City Airport (YDA)

Information about airport - Dawson City Airport, Canada

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code CYDA
Longitude 64.043098449707
Latitude -139.128005981445

Pictures near Dawson City Airport, Canada

Dawson City Airport Yukon - Dawson City | Klondike Highway Another shot of the gold dredging Yukon,Territory. okolí Dawson City; goldfields na Hunker Creek Rd; utopený Dredge #11, jediná přístupová i odchodová cesta vede po tomto rameni korečkového dopravníku...
Ogilvie Mountains near Dempster Hwy okolí Dawson City; goldfields na Hunker Creek Rd; Favron Enterprise place, tady bych udělal konferenci o ekologii a předsedal by jí chief Seattle... Dawson City Airport Dredge Nr 3 near Bear Creek TAKE OFF

Pictures of Dawson City Airport
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