RAF Cardington

Information about airport - RAF Cardington, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Closed airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 52.108922
Latitude -0.422499

Cities near RAF Cardington, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
Milton Keynes 22.21 km
London 70.95 km
Leicester 75.54 km
Coventry 81.21 km
Colchester 93.71 km

Pictures near RAF Cardington, United Kingdom

Cows and sky Marston Vale evening St Catherine's Cross ploughed field and oaks Silver birch
Conifers, Maulden Woods Flying Horse PH, Clophill Parting of the ways Stewartby Town Hall The White Hart - Ampthill
All Saints' - Kempston Poppies in a Wheat Field The Beaumont Tree Flitton Snowy morning at Nicolls Close
Rookery South brick pit Maulden Woods On the Greensand Ridge Walk Death of a giant

Pictures of RAF Cardington