RAF Lossiemouth (LMO)

Information about airport - RAF Lossiemouth, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGQS
Longitude 57.7052001953125
Latitude -3.33916997909546

Cities near RAF Lossiemouth, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
Inverness 58.16 km
Aberdeen 96.16 km

Pictures near RAF Lossiemouth, United Kingdom

Elgin Cathedral ruins - Scotland a castle picture 28 years ago Clashach Cove ( Primrose Bay) near Hopeman Hopeman Harbour The former Oakwood Motel, Britain's first...
Alves, Elgin Safety & numbers Lossiemouth North Harbour Duffus Castle, Moray, Scotland Lossiemouth
Duffus Castle (1) Batman Lossiemouth The Buccaneer Filling Station, Elgin Linkwood Distillery, Elgin Morrayshire
Spynie Palace Wind surf and sand Contorted sea cliffs, caves and two legged stack near Covesea Harriers landing on HMS Illustrious Towards Lossiemouth

Pictures of RAF Lossiemouth