RAF Syerston

Information about airport - RAF Syerston, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGXY
Longitude 53.0228004455566
Latitude -0.911110997200012

Cities near RAF Syerston, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
Nottingham 18.17 km
Derby 39.44 km
Leicester 45.77 km
Sheffield 54.28 km
Coventry 79.67 km
Birmingham 89.36 km
Sandwell 91.24 km
Leeds 95.97 km

Pictures near RAF Syerston, United Kingdom

Newark-on-Trent,Nottinghamsire,England Southwell: King Street towards Westgate Farndon Marina Trinity Church Southwell o=k Newark Marina
Mapped to Kelham, Newark, Nottinghamshire,England 06/04/11 17.49 Hawksworth village, brick trees and Sky on a mid Winter's day. 06/04/11 17.14
06/04/11 17.24 Lineham Plantation South Muskham village church, St Wilfrid Staythorpe CCGT.uk Sugar Processing Plant
rodney school Norwood Hall, Southwell Ford At Halam Kirklington church Nottinghamshire Southwell Trail

Pictures of RAF Syerston