Whalsay Airport (WHS)

Information about airport - Whalsay Airport, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGEH
Longitude 60.377498626709
Latitude -0.925556004047394

Pictures near Whalsay Airport, United Kingdom

Rainbow, Shetland Symbister Pier Huxter, Whalsay Sheep at Brough, Whalsay Head of Clett
isbister loch Betronic main office Amsterdam Trig Point Challister Ness athena Whalsay Practice
Whalsay Sunset Brough houses, Whalsay
Towards Sandwick Loch Shetland Ponies Seals at Holm of Sandwick the houb brough Whalsay Sunset

Pictures of Whalsay Airport