Distance from London to York

Distance information from London, United Kingdom to York

Geographical distance from London to York

281.1 kilometers
174.5 seven miles
151.73 nautical miles

Road distance from London to York

Distance on the map From London, United Kingdom to York

Closest distances from London, United Kingdom

City Distance
Tunbridge Wells 48.81 km
Milton Keynes 72.62 km
Brighton 74.66 km
Colchester 83.31 km
Bury St Edmunds 100.75 km
Dover Kent 108.13 km
Coventry 138.71 km
Cheltenham 141.9 km
Leicester 143.73 km
Nailsworth 146.54 km
Bologne sur mer 152.11 km
Shaftesbury 154.13 km
Bath 155.34 km
Chipping Sodbury 157.56 km
Birmingham 163.37 km
Keynsham 164.72 km
Sandwell 168.37 km
Bristol 170.68 km
Nottingham 176.5 km
Dunkirk 181.71 km
Derby 183.01 km
De Panne 194.14 km
Weston-super-Mare 198.45 km
Ostend 212.61 km
Bethune 221.42 km
Le Havre 222.96 km
Sheffield 228.31 km
Roeselare 234.78 km
Bruges 235.01 km
Bridgend 239.3 km

Select city to calculate distance from London, United Kingdom

Check distances from York

City Distance
Leeds 35.65 km
Bradford 47.81 km
Sheffield 68.86 km
Manchester 93.11 km
Bolton 98.2 km
Sunderland 107.15 km
Nottingham 111.85 km
Derby 118.33 km
Liverpool 139.27 km
Bardon Mill, Hexham 139.75 km