Distance from Curitiba to San Carlos de Bariloche

Distance information from Curitiba, Brazil to San Carlos de Bariloche

Geographical distance from Curitiba to San Carlos de Bariloche

2678.7 kilometers
1663.04 seven miles
1446 nautical miles

Road distance from Curitiba to San Carlos de Bariloche

Distance on the map From Curitiba, Brazil to San Carlos de Bariloche

Closest distances from Curitiba, Brazil

City Distance
Sao Paulo 338.29 km
Iguazu Falls 533.56 km
Porto Alegre 545.48 km
Rio de Janeiro 675.07 km
Ouro Preto 814.57 km
Belo Horizonte 829.05 km
Asuncion 838.59 km
Goiania 972.55 km
Corrientes 977.92 km
Salto 1080.25 km
Brasilia 1082.07 km
Esquina (Province of Corrientes) 1130.59 km
Montevideo 1239.28 km
Colonia del Sacramento 1299.14 km
Santa Fe 1311.97 km
Buenos Aires 1349.82 km
Rosario 1385.95 km
Santiago del Estero 1512.96 km
Cordoba 1600.7 km
Tarija 1634.2 km
Santa Cruz de la Sierra 1669.29 km
Montero 1703.97 km
Salvador 1788.22 km
Sucre 1790.41 km
Potosi 1812.53 km
Cochabamba 1961.18 km
Trinidad 2009.9 km
Oruro 2018.74 km
Mendoza 2069.53 km
La Paz 2193.48 km

Select city to calculate distance from Curitiba, Brazil

Check distances from San Carlos de Bariloche

City Distance
Villa La Angostura 50.82 km
Rio Negro 408.47 km
Santiago 859.53 km
Santa Cruz 864.4 km
Mendoza 943.21 km
El Calafate 1025.3 km
Puerto Natales 1180.87 km
Cordoba 1256.89 km
Rosario 1310.26 km
Buenos Aires 1339.57 km
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Brazil, Curitiba