Distance from Barrie to New haven

Distance information from Barrie, Canada to New haven

Geographical distance from Barrie to New haven

648.61 kilometers
402.41 seven miles
349.89 nautical miles

Road distance from Barrie to New haven

Distance on the map From Barrie, Canada to New haven

Closest distances from Barrie, Canada

City Distance
Toronto, ON 81.58 km
Oshawa 86.13 km
Milton 96.61 km
Guelph 102.58 km
Peterborough 109.59 km
Kitchener 123.07 km
Hamilton 126.3 km
St. Catharines-Niagar 139.97 km
Brantford 144.67 km
Niagara Falls, NY 151.53 km
Buffalo 181.48 km
Belleville 184.89 km
London, Ontario 198.49 km
Rochester 215.32 km
North Bay 216.09 km
Kingston 255.93 km
Sudbur 256.65 km
Sarnia 268.1 km
Kanata 316.72 km
Syracuse 320.95 km
Ottawa, ON 335.53 km
Detroit, MI 353.54 km
Windsor 354.68 km
Cleveland, OH 359.07 km
Youngstown 373.04 km
Canton 421.58 km
Sault Ste. Marie 433.99 km
Pittsburgh, PA 438.7 km
Mansfield 464.44 km
Sacranton, PA 465.26 km

Select city to calculate distance from Barrie, Canada

Check distances from New haven

City Distance
Hartford 53.8 km
Yonkers 91.88 km
Springfield 92.24 km
New York, NY 109.99 km
Providence 138.73 km
Worcester 141.08 km
Albany 164.89 km
New bedford 170.61 km
Boston, MA 192.85 km
Trenton 196.35 km
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Canada, Barrie