Distance from Sault Ste. Marie to Syracuse

Distance information from Sault Ste. Marie, Canada to Syracuse

Geographical distance from Sault Ste. Marie to Syracuse

7760.99 kilometers
4818.96 seven miles
4190.06 nautical miles

Road distance from Sault Ste. Marie to Syracuse

Distance on the map From Sault Ste. Marie, Canada to Syracuse

Closest distances from Sault Ste. Marie, Canada

City Distance
Sudbur 255.15 km
Green Bay 363.53 km
North Bay 374.74 km
Sarnia 423.01 km
Thunder Bay 423.14 km
Barrie 433.99 km
Kitchener 460.54 km
Guelph 461.5 km
London, Ontario 463.36 km
Detroit, MI 476.47 km
Milwaukee, WI 481.56 km
Milton 484.87 km
Windsor 487.99 km
Brantford 494.75 km
Toronto, ON 501 km
Hamilton 507.2 km
Oshawa 519.97 km
Peterborough 530.54 km
St. Catharines-Niagar 548.62 km
Niagara Falls, NY 564.6 km
Chicago, IL 579.99 km
Buffalo 595.55 km
Cleveland, OH 597.92 km
Belleville 603.15 km
Rochester 649.09 km
Mansfield 657.76 km
Kingston 663.96 km
Kanata 666.56 km
Youngstown 672.01 km
Ottawa, ON 678.5 km

Select city to calculate distance from Sault Ste. Marie, Canada

Check distances from Syracuse

City Distance
Catania 50.77 km
Ragusa 52.56 km
Modica 52.8 km
Acireale 60.36 km
Vittoria 67.95 km
Gela 93 km
Caltanissetta 117.63 km
Reggio Calabria 118.84 km
Messina 126.3 km
Island of Gozo 146.54 km