Distance from Cork to Bologne sur mer

Distance information from Cork, Ireland to Bologne sur mer

Geographical distance from Cork to Bologne sur mer

716.97 kilometers
444.64 seven miles
386.61 nautical miles

Road distance from Cork to Bologne sur mer

Distance on the map From Cork, Ireland to Bologne sur mer

Closest distances from Cork, Ireland

City Distance
Killarney 72.34 km
Waterford 102.56 km
Galway 158.23 km
Wicklow 204.97 km
Dublin 220.24 km
Porthcawl - Wales 333.01 km
Maesteg - Wales 333.82 km
Bridgend 340.87 km
Belfast 345.5 km
Plymouth 346.5 km
Weston-super-Mare 385.29 km
Liverpool 407.78 km
Bristol 409.72 km
Keynsham 416.61 km
Chipping Sodbury 421.2 km
Bath 426.86 km
Nailsworth 431.45 km
Cheltenham 439.68 km
Shaftesbury 447.11 km
Bolton 448.7 km
Sandwell 449.84 km
Birmingham 454.14 km
Manchester 456.32 km
Keswick, Cumbria 466.15 km
Coventry 479.23 km
Brest 482.53 km
Derby 489.08 km
Bradford 498.92 km
Saint Peter Port 499.09 km
Sheffield 501.91 km

Select city to calculate distance from Cork, Ireland

Check distances from Bologne sur mer

City Distance
Dover Kent 52.22 km
Dunkirk 61.91 km
Bethune 72.23 km
De Panne 78.57 km
Lille 99.16 km
Amiens 102.08 km
Tourcoing 103.81 km
Ostend 103.98 km
Roeselare 106.8 km
Douai 108.32 km
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Ireland, Cork