Distance from Nuku`alofa to Nelson

Distance information from Nuku`alofa, Tonga to Nelson

Geographical distance from Nuku`alofa to Nelson

2488.19 kilometers
1545.05 seven miles
1343.41 nautical miles

Road distance from Nuku`alofa to Nelson

Distance on the map From Nuku`alofa, Tonga to Nelson

Closest distances from Nuku`alofa, Tonga

City Distance
Alofi 603.89 km
Kadavu 733.57 km
Suva 744.46 km
Savusavu 750.86 km
Pacific Harbour 773.63 km
Nadi 857.26 km
Apia 890.41 km
Pago Pago 900.29 km
Fakaofo 1375.76 km
Funafuti 1526.69 km
Avarua 1599.61 km
Port-Vila 1766.13 km
Russell 1883.84 km
Paihia 1887.93 km
Kerikeri 1889.82 km
Mata-Utu (on Ile Uvea) 1893.75 km
Noumea 1899.12 km
Kingston 1908.12 km
Auckland 2000.84 km
Rotorua 2061.31 km
Hastings 2192.12 km
New Plymouth 2240.13 km
Wanganui 2286.04 km
Wellington 2430.66 km
Nelson 2488.19 km
Papeete 2719.06 km
Christchurch 2733.14 km
Tarawa 2809.34 km
Honiara 2959.18 km
Yaren 3001.88 km

Select city to calculate distance from Nuku`alofa, Tonga

Check distances from Nelson

City Distance
Wellington 125.36 km
Wanganui 211.09 km
Christchurch 255.85 km
New Plymouth 255.88 km
Hastings 352.8 km
Rotorua 431.58 km
Auckland 505.94 km
Queenstown 559.68 km
Paihia 670.52 km
Russell 673.48 km
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Tonga, Nuku`alofa