Distance from Urla to Sparta

Distance information from Urla, Turkey to Sparta

Geographical distance from Urla to Sparta

406.13 kilometers
252.13 seven miles
219.22 nautical miles

Road distance from Urla to Sparta

Distance on the map From Urla, Turkey to Sparta

Closest distances from Urla, Turkey

City Distance
Izmir 36.27 km
Aliaga 55.56 km
Manisa 66.51 km
Kusadasi 67.63 km
Turgutlu 84.4 km
Lesvos 104.89 km
Odemis 106.15 km
Aydin 108.55 km
Salihli 121.44 km
Milas 143.57 km
Nazilli 144.15 km
Bodrum 154.3 km
Kos 165.9 km
Andros (Andro) 169.31 km
Balıkesir 176.48 km
Naxos (Chora) 182.81 km
Paros 198 km
Canakkale 204.88 km
Marmaris 210.22 km
Pamukkale 210.96 km
Denizli 212.17 km
Tavas 218.8 km
Usak 233.01 km
Santorini 243.88 km
Rhodes 245.75 km
Bandirma 247.9 km
Dalaman 249.69 km
Athens 269.45 km
Fethiye 279.25 km
Bursa 286.3 km

Select city to calculate distance from Urla, Turkey

Check distances from Sparta

City Distance
Tripoli 48.86 km
Argos 67.39 km
Monemvasia 69.93 km
Olympia 95.59 km
Aegina (Aegina Island) 115.87 km
Patrai 144.59 km
Athens 151.73 km
Zakynthos 156.75 km
Delphi 156.83 km
Chania 224.46 km
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Turkey, Urla