Distance from Aberdeen to Waterford

Distance information from Aberdeen, United Kingdom to Waterford

Geographical distance from Aberdeen to Waterford

631.61 kilometers
391.85 seven miles
340.71 nautical miles

Road distance from Aberdeen to Waterford

Distance on the map From Aberdeen, United Kingdom to Waterford

Closest distances from Aberdeen, United Kingdom

City Distance
Inverness 131.54 km
Crieff 135.96 km
Edinburgh 149.09 km
Glasgow 194.49 km
Bardon Mill, Hexham 241.6 km
Sunderland 253.5 km
Keswick, Cumbria 290.46 km
York 360.63 km
Belfast 370.27 km
Bradford 374.09 km
Leeds 374.39 km
Bolton 397.56 km
Manchester 408.18 km
Liverpool 419.41 km
Sheffield 420.87 km
Nottingham 470.44 km
Derby 471.93 km
Dublin 498.1 km
Haugesund 499.3 km
Sandnes 499.55 km
Egersund 501.85 km
Stavanger 503.16 km
Leicester 506.05 km
Sandwell 516.56 km
Birmingham 519.03 km
Wicklow 526.79 km
Coventry 528.81 km
Lyngdal 557.06 km
Bergen 559.39 km
Bury St Edmunds 574.79 km

Select city to calculate distance from Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Check distances from Waterford

City Distance
Cork 102.56 km
Wicklow 108 km
Dublin 133.91 km
Killarney 165.4 km
Galway 173.76 km
Maesteg - Wales 246.83 km
Porthcawl - Wales 248.89 km
Bridgend 255.73 km
Belfast 272.26 km
Plymouth 292.49 km