Distance from Leeds to Bruges

Distance information from Leeds, United Kingdom to Bruges

Geographical distance from Leeds to Bruges

432.84 kilometers
268.27 seven miles
233.26 nautical miles

Road distance from Leeds to Bruges

Distance on the map From Leeds, United Kingdom to Bruges

Closest distances from Leeds, United Kingdom

City Distance
Bradford 13.27 km
York 35.65 km
Sheffield 46.51 km
Manchester 57.64 km
Bolton 62.78 km
Nottingham 97.36 km
Derby 97.6 km
Liverpool 103.79 km
Sunderland 123.59 km
Leicester 132.44 km
Keswick, Cumbria 136.32 km
Bardon Mill, Hexham 141.14 km
Sandwell 146.34 km
Birmingham 147.91 km
Coventry 154.72 km
Milton Keynes 203.61 km
Cheltenham 214.12 km
Bury St Edmunds 229.67 km
Nailsworth 237.97 km
Chipping Sodbury 257.68 km
Edinburgh 261.33 km
Colchester 268.1 km
Bristol 269.62 km
Keynsham 272.52 km
London 273.17 km
Bath 274.16 km
Maesteg - Wales 281.85 km
Glasgow 287.46 km
Weston-super-Mare 288.84 km
Bridgend 289.17 km

Select city to calculate distance from Leeds, United Kingdom

Check distances from Bruges

City Distance
Ostend 22.55 km
Roeselare 29.72 km
Gent 38.57 km
Middelburg 42.36 km
Kortrijk 42.56 km
Terneuzen 44.39 km
De Panne 45.88 km
Mouscron 49.36 km
Lokeren 55.07 km
Goes 56.44 km