Distance from Cleveland, OH to Washington, DC

Distance information from Cleveland, OH, United States (USA) to Washington, DC

Geographical distance from Cleveland, OH to Washington, DC

491.32 kilometers
304.91 seven miles
265.12 nautical miles

Road distance from Cleveland, OH to Washington, DC

Distance on the map From Cleveland, OH, United States (USA) to Washington, DC

Closest distances from Cleveland, OH, United States (USA)

City Distance
Canton 82.21 km
Youngstown 97.23 km
Mansfield 108.02 km
Windsor 134.43 km
Detroit, MI 146.7 km
London, Ontario 169.66 km
Sarnia 174.91 km
Pittsburgh, PA 184.29 km
Columbus, OH 204.34 km
Brantford 217.35 km
Kitchener 236.23 km
Hamilton 245.88 km
Guelph 256.56 km
Milton 269.6 km
St. Catharines-Niagar 272.86 km
Niagara Falls, NY 279.56 km
Buffalo 280.74 km
Dayton 286.45 km
Toronto, ON 306.64 km
Oshawa 352.67 km
Cincinnati 358.72 km
Barrie 359.07 km
Rochester 383.22 km
Peterborough 415.9 km
Luray, VA 417.71 km
Indianapolis, IN 423.18 km
Harrisburg, PA 425.02 km
Lexington 452.74 km
Belleville 458.68 km
Syracuse 487.24 km

Select city to calculate distance from Cleveland, OH, United States (USA)

Check distances from Washington, DC

City Distance
Baltimore, MD 56.89 km
Luray, VA 127.52 km
Salisbury 136.31 km
Richmond 154.32 km
Harrisburg, PA 155.86 km
Philadelphia, PA 195.79 km
Atlantic City 229.09 km
Norfolk 235.44 km
Virginia Beach, VA 240.15 km
Trenton 243.79 km