Distance from Lake city, FL to Fayetteville

Distance information from Lake city, FL, United States (USA) to Fayetteville

Geographical distance from Lake city, FL to Fayetteville

645.28 kilometers
400.55 seven miles
348.27 nautical miles

Road distance from Lake city, FL to Fayetteville

Distance on the map From Lake city, FL, United States (USA) to Fayetteville

Closest distances from Lake city, FL, United States (USA)

City Distance
Valdosta 94.03 km
Jacksonville, FL 95.35 km
Ocala, FL 121.7 km
Tallahassee 160.45 km
Daytona beach 189.68 km
Orlando 220.28 km
Lakeland, FL 248.05 km
Tampa 249.36 km
Savannah, GA 255.21 km
Statesboro 264.23 km
Dothan 287.73 km
Bradenton, FL 300.06 km
Augusta, GE 369.44 km
Charleston 385.33 km
Charleston, SC 385.36 km
Fort Myers, FL 401.3 km
Sanibel Island, FL 419.3 km
Athens, GE 425.03 km
Atlanta, GA 429.43 km
Columbia, SC 450.14 km
Naples, FL 458.01 km
Mobile, AL 524.42 km
Birmingham, AL 540.63 km
Miami, FL 546.61 km
Fort Payne 555.09 km
Charlotte, NC 585 km
Chattanooga 595.28 km
Meridian, MS 625.03 km
Huntsville 626.51 km
Wilmington 629.11 km

Select city to calculate distance from Lake city, FL, United States (USA)

Check distances from Fayetteville

City Distance
Raleigh 84.35 km
Wilmington 125.94 km
Jacksonville, NC 137.12 km
Greenville, NC 150.41 km
Charlotte, NC 180.13 km
Columbia, SC 229.68 km
Lynchburg, VA 263.14 km
Charleston 271.04 km
Charleston, SC 271.06 km
Richmond 305.85 km