Distance from Yonkers to Oshawa

Distance information from Yonkers, United States (USA) to Oshawa

Geographical distance from Yonkers to Oshawa

521.09 kilometers
323.54 seven miles
281.32 nautical miles

Road distance from Yonkers to Oshawa

Distance on the map From Yonkers, United States (USA) to Oshawa

Closest distances from Yonkers, United States (USA)

City Distance
New York, NY 23.78 km
New haven 91.88 km
Trenton 108.45 km
Hartford 136.63 km
Sacranton, PA 155.45 km
Philadelphia, PA 155.67 km
Springfield 168.6 km
Atlantic City 181.69 km
Albany 190.48 km
Worcester 228.27 km
Providence 230.6 km
New bedford 261.06 km
Harrisburg, PA 262.12 km
Boston, MA 283.33 km
Baltimore, MD 294.47 km
Syracuse 297.8 km
Manchester, NH 305.2 km
Salisbury 321.46 km
Washington, DC 350.19 km
Rochester 391.93 km
Stowe, VT 403.61 km
Kingston 421.93 km
Portland, MN 425.51 km
Belleville 456.87 km
Buffalo 459.58 km
Luray, VA 464.11 km
Sutton, QC 474.24 km
Richmond 485.33 km
Chateauguay 487.38 km
Niagara Falls, NY 487.71 km

Select city to calculate distance from Yonkers, United States (USA)

Check distances from Oshawa

City Distance
Toronto, ON 49.27 km
Peterborough 63.23 km
Barrie 86.13 km
St. Catharines-Niagar 87.06 km
Niagara Falls, NY 90.13 km
Milton 91.53 km
Hamilton 107.93 km
Buffalo 113.4 km
Guelph 118.39 km
Belleville 120.83 km