Distance from Kitzbuhel to Munich

Distance information from Kitzbuhel, Austria to Munich

Geographical distance from Kitzbuhel to Munich

97.93 kilometers
60.24 seven miles
52.38 nautical miles

Road distance from Kitzbuhel to Munich

Distance on the map From Kitzbuhel, Austria to Munich

Closest distances from Kitzbuhel, Austria

City Distance
Kaprun 33.89 km
Mayrhofen 50.58 km
Salzburg 63 km
Bad Gastein 67.33 km
Lienz 74.08 km
Innsbruck 77.55 km
Hallstatt 95.1 km
Munich 97.93 km
Spittal an der Drau 110.28 km
Ried Im Innkreis 118.25 km
Bolzano 131.14 km
Liezen 139.92 km
Landeck 141.65 km
Villach 144.77 km
Augsburg 151.06 km
Ingolstadt 162.98 km
Steyr 165.6 km
Udine 166 km
Pordenone 166.6 km
Linz 170.75 km
Klagenfurt 171.91 km
Judenburg 174.12 km
Regensburg 174.78 km
Bled 178.47 km
Trento 180.87 km
Bad Leonfelden 185.49 km
Knittelfeld 185.61 km
Waidhofen an der ybbs 187.51 km
Freistadt 196.44 km
Wolfsberg 197.8 km

Select city to calculate distance from Kitzbuhel, Austria

Check distances from Munich

City Distance
Augsburg 56.5 km
Ingolstadt 70.55 km
Kitzbuhel 97.93 km
Innsbruck 98.7 km
Regensburg 103.69 km
Mayrhofen 110.39 km
Salzburg 115.49 km
Ulm 121.8 km
Kaprun 130.68 km
Landeck 134.5 km
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Austria, Kitzbuhel