Distance from Bansko to Craiova

Distance information from Bansko, Bulgaria to Craiova

Geographical distance from Bansko to Craiova

277.01 kilometers
172.02 seven miles
149.57 nautical miles

Road distance from Bansko to Craiova

Distance on the map From Bansko, Bulgaria to Craiova

Closest distances from Bansko, Bulgaria

City Distance
Melnik 35.92 km
Pernik 93.08 km
Sofia 96.45 km
Plovdiv 109.64 km
Thessaloniki 140.99 km
Skopje 169.49 km
Leskovac 177.5 km
Belogradchik 209.24 km
Nis 210.49 km
Alexandroupolis 227.57 km
Vidin 244.8 km
Edirne 256.61 km
Craiova 277.01 km
Skiathos 297.45 km
Ruse 300.88 km
Canakkale 309.31 km
Tirana 309.37 km
Kırklareli 310.13 km
Burgas 336.32 km
Pomorie 351.03 km
Sozopol 353.05 km
Podgorica 353.44 km
Bucharest 358.96 km
Bar 361.95 km
Sinemorets 370.45 km
Lesvos 376.44 km
Delphi 382.74 km
Corfu 389.18 km
Varna 393.55 km
Ploiesti 400.29 km

Select city to calculate distance from Bansko, Bulgaria

Check distances from Craiova

City Distance
Vidin 82.8 km
Belogradchik 118.67 km
Sibiu 164.16 km
Ruse 179.34 km
Bucharest 184.29 km
Sofia 184.54 km
Resita 185.35 km
Ploiesti 188.18 km
Nis 189.84 km
Alba Lulia 195.92 km
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Bulgaria, Bansko