Distance from Pomorie to Istanbul

Distance information from Pomorie, Bulgaria to Istanbul

Geographical distance from Pomorie to Istanbul

202.55 kilometers
125.44 seven miles
109.07 nautical miles

Road distance from Pomorie to Istanbul

Distance on the map From Pomorie, Bulgaria to Istanbul

Closest distances from Pomorie, Bulgaria

City Distance
Burgas 15.26 km
Sozopol 16.61 km
Sinemorets 61.21 km
Varna 76.32 km
Golden sands 86.66 km
Kırklareli 97.72 km
Edirne 132.34 km
Constanta 197.1 km
Ruse 197.61 km
Istanbul 202.55 km
Alexandroupolis 240.07 km
Bucharest 241.25 km
Plovdiv 241.75 km
Bandirma 247.41 km
Yalova 252.36 km
Derince 269.33 km
Golcuk 273.96 km
Izmit 276.83 km
Canakkale 287.15 km
Bursa 288.26 km
Ploiesti 293.48 km
Sakarya 303.73 km
Braila 305.07 km
Galati 319.11 km
Balıkesir 324.86 km
Eregli 343.98 km
Bansko 351.03 km
Sofia 353.3 km
Craiova 365.57 km
Melnik 368.26 km

Select city to calculate distance from Pomorie, Bulgaria

Check distances from Istanbul

City Distance
Yalova 49.83 km
Derince 76.42 km
Golcuk 79.3 km
Izmit 87 km
Bursa 94.04 km
Bandirma 114.57 km
Sakarya 122.48 km
Sinemorets 142.22 km
Kırklareli 165.61 km
Balıkesir 180.12 km
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Bulgaria, Pomorie