Distance from Sudbur to Windsor

Distance information from Sudbur, Canada to Windsor

Geographical distance from Sudbur to Windsor

496.82 kilometers
308.02 seven miles
267.82 nautical miles

Road distance from Sudbur to Windsor

Distance on the map From Sudbur, Canada to Windsor

Closest distances from Sudbur, Canada

City Distance
North Bay 120.2 km
Sault Ste. Marie 255.15 km
Barrie 256.65 km
Peterborough 321.03 km
Guelph 333.12 km
Oshawa 335.02 km
Toronto, ON 337.91 km
Milton 342.71 km
Kitchener 344.43 km
Hamilton 372.05 km
Brantford 377.21 km
Belleville 383.59 km
London, Ontario 390.45 km
St. Catharines-Niagar 395.71 km
Sarnia 406.38 km
Niagara Falls, NY 408.02 km
Kanata 416.5 km
Ottawa, ON 426.97 km
Kingston 433.28 km
Buffalo 438.13 km
Rochester 457.26 km
Detroit, MI 489.54 km
Windsor 496.82 km
Syracuse 541.89 km
Saint-Jerome 545.07 km
Cleveland, OH 558.28 km
Chateauguay 575.97 km
Montreal, QC 578.39 km
Green Bay 589.11 km
Youngstown 600.72 km

Select city to calculate distance from Sudbur, Canada

Check distances from Windsor

City Distance
Detroit, MI 12.67 km
Sarnia 92.7 km
Cleveland, OH 134.43 km
London, Ontario 162.8 km
Mansfield 169.77 km
Canton 208.39 km
Youngstown 230.42 km
Kitchener 241.54 km
Brantford 241.82 km
Columbus, OH 255.31 km
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