Distance from Windsor to Peterborough

Distance information from Windsor, Canada to Peterborough

Geographical distance from Windsor to Peterborough

439.86 kilometers
272.62 seven miles
237.04 nautical miles

Road distance from Windsor to Peterborough

Distance on the map From Windsor, Canada to Peterborough

Closest distances from Windsor, Canada

City Distance
Detroit, MI 12.67 km
Sarnia 92.7 km
Cleveland, OH 134.43 km
London, Ontario 162.8 km
Mansfield 169.77 km
Canton 208.39 km
Youngstown 230.42 km
Kitchener 241.54 km
Brantford 241.82 km
Columbus, OH 255.31 km
Guelph 263.69 km
Hamilton 276.37 km
Milton 288.48 km
Dayton 295.9 km
Pittsburgh, PA 318.72 km
St. Catharines-Niagar 319.75 km
Toronto, ON 330.75 km
Niagara Falls, NY 332.15 km
Buffalo 345.27 km
Barrie 354.68 km
Cincinnati 374.06 km
Oshawa 380 km
Indianapolis, IN 384.84 km
Chicago, IL 389.21 km
Milwaukee, WI 418.52 km
Peterborough 439.86 km
Rochester 449 km
Green Bay 480.62 km
Lexington 485.4 km
Terre haute 486.01 km

Select city to calculate distance from Windsor, Canada

Check distances from Peterborough

City Distance
Oshawa 63.23 km
Belleville 75.71 km
Barrie 109.59 km
Toronto, ON 110.99 km
Rochester 139.74 km
Kingston 146.38 km
Niagara Falls, NY 147.72 km
St. Catharines-Niagar 147.84 km
Milton 152.24 km
Buffalo 165.1 km
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Canada, Windsor