Distance from Porec to Cesena

Distance information from Porec, Croatia to Cesena

Geographical distance from Porec to Cesena

161.56 kilometers
99.98 seven miles
86.93 nautical miles

Road distance from Porec to Cesena

Distance on the map From Porec, Croatia to Cesena

Closest distances from Porec, Croatia

City Distance
Novigrad 10.73 km
Piran 33.03 km
Pula 44.42 km
Trieste 48.7 km
Sezana 57.5 km
Rijeka 66.88 km
Krk 79.73 km
Udine 98.1 km
Venice 102.05 km
Chioggia 102.7 km
Pordenone 109.55 km
Ljubljana 115.77 km
Treviso 116.33 km
Novalja 125.85 km
Bled 133.09 km
Pag 135.35 km
Padua 135.78 km
Ravenna 142.11 km
Rovigo 143.02 km
Rimini 153.59 km
Villach 154.87 km
Karlovac 155.76 km
Pesaro 156.12 km
Fano 160.79 km
Ferrara 161.4 km
Cesena 161.56 km
Vicenza 164.29 km
Klagenfurt 164.59 km
Forlì 166.21 km
San Marino 170.48 km

Select city to calculate distance from Porec, Croatia

Check distances from Cesena

City Distance
Forlì 18.92 km
Rimini 27.45 km
San Marino 28.08 km
Ravenna 31.38 km
Faenza 33.79 km
Imola 48.45 km
Pesaro 58.83 km
Fano 70.3 km
Arezzo 80.43 km
Bologna 81.97 km
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Croatia, Porec