Distance from Velika Gorica to Hartberg

Distance information from Velika Gorica, Croatia to Hartberg

Geographical distance from Velika Gorica to Hartberg

174.54 kilometers
108.05 seven miles
93.95 nautical miles

Road distance from Velika Gorica to Hartberg

Distance on the map From Velika Gorica, Croatia to Hartberg

Closest distances from Velika Gorica, Croatia

City Distance
Zagreb 12.85 km
Karlovac 47.25 km
Varazdin 68.93 km
Leibnitz 125.57 km
Ljubljana 127.12 km
Rijeka 134.25 km
Banja Luka 136.06 km
Krk 140.02 km
Kaposvar 150.58 km
Wolfsberg 156.26 km
Graz 157.9 km
Novalja 159 km
Pag 162.3 km
Bled 167.1 km
Klagenfurt 169.56 km
Sezana 171.28 km
Pecs 171.62 km
Szombathely 174.22 km
Hartberg 174.54 km
Trieste 178.16 km
Zadar 189.71 km
Knittelfeld 192.45 km
Judenburg 194.99 km
Piran 195.46 km
Pula 197.84 km
St. michael in der obersteiermark 197.89 km
Villach 198.2 km
Leoben 199.4 km
Novigrad 200.22 km
Porec 200.52 km

Select city to calculate distance from Velika Gorica, Croatia

Check distances from Hartberg

City Distance
Graz 47.18 km
Szombathely 48.71 km
Mattersburg 59.72 km
Wiener neustadt 61.64 km
Leibnitz 64.13 km
Leoben 67.3 km
St. michael in der obersteiermark 72.49 km
Mariazell 73.63 km
Eisenstadt 75.15 km
Baden bei wien 82.07 km
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Croatia, Velika Gorica