Distance from Marianske Lazne to Chemnitz

Distance information from Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic to Chemnitz

Geographical distance from Marianske Lazne to Chemnitz

97.78 kilometers
60.24 seven miles
52.38 nautical miles

Road distance from Marianske Lazne to Chemnitz

Distance on the map From Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic to Chemnitz

Closest distances from Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic

City Distance
Carlsbad 32.09 km
Plzen 54.1 km
Zatec 71.86 km
Chemnitz 97.78 km
Regensburg 115.27 km
Usti nad labem 123.17 km
Prague 123.2 km
Erlangen 128.46 km
Nuremberg 129.97 km
Jena 133.11 km
Furth 136.35 km
Decin 139.85 km
Dresden 141.1 km
Leipzig 154.62 km
Ingolstadt 161.94 km
Erfurt 163.89 km
Ceske Budejovice 169.09 km
Halle 176.49 km
Kutna Hora 183.51 km
Liberec 189.26 km
Wurzburg 197.3 km
Bad Leonfelden 198.12 km
Ried Im Innkreis 203.35 km
Freistadt 208.41 km
Linz 217.5 km
Munich 218.97 km
Pardubice 220.6 km
Augsburg 221.22 km
Cottbus 229.83 km
Zwettl 234.24 km

Select city to calculate distance from Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic

Check distances from Chemnitz

City Distance
Dresden 61.68 km
Carlsbad 66.91 km
Leipzig 68.29 km
Zatec 71.91 km
Usti nad labem 81.51 km
Decin 90.6 km
Jena 94.22 km
Marianske Lazne 97.78 km
Halle 98.39 km
Plzen 125.03 km