Distance from Besancon to Strasbourg

Distance information from Besancon, France to Strasbourg

Geographical distance from Besancon to Strasbourg

196.73 kilometers
121.72 seven miles
105.83 nautical miles

Road distance from Besancon to Strasbourg

Distance on the map From Besancon, France to Strasbourg

Closest distances from Besancon, France

City Distance
Dijon 74.83 km
Bern 111.69 km
Mulhouse 113.39 km
Geneva 116.09 km
Annemasse 121.71 km
Basel 122.43 km
Freiburg 160.5 km
Nancy 162.29 km
Lucerne 173.61 km
Lyon 187.58 km
Zurich 189.7 km
Strasbourg 196.73 km
Metz 209.44 km
Vienne 209.72 km
Verdun 218.94 km
Chalons-en-Champagne 227.96 km
Grenoble 229.22 km
Saint-Etienne 235.18 km
Saarbrucken 235.95 km
Vaduz 263.78 km
Luxembourg 263.94 km
Karlsruhe 264.18 km
Varese 266.06 km
Collegno 267.45 km
Reims 268.87 km
Pforzheim 270.1 km
Torino 272.09 km
Gallarate 275.46 km
Reutlingen 275.53 km
Clermont-Ferrand 277.3 km

Select city to calculate distance from Besancon, France

Check distances from Strasbourg

City Distance
Freiburg 65.25 km
Karlsruhe 67.58 km
Pforzheim 77.65 km
Saarbrucken 92.34 km
Mulhouse 97.16 km
Stuttgart 107.78 km
Reutlingen 107.88 km
Ludwigshafen 109.51 km
Heidelberg 113.53 km
Mannheim 113.84 km
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France, Besancon