Distance from Cergy to Roeselare

Distance information from Cergy, France to Roeselare

Geographical distance from Cergy to Roeselare

225.16 kilometers
139.73 seven miles
121.49 nautical miles

Road distance from Cergy to Roeselare

Distance on the map From Cergy, France to Roeselare

Closest distances from Cergy, France

City Distance
Argenteuil 16.19 km
Versailles 27.48 km
Paris 29.16 km
Meaux 61.17 km
Dreux 61.41 km
Amiens 96.09 km
Saint Quentin 125.43 km
Orleans 127.17 km
Reims 144.36 km
Le Havre 150.5 km
Douai 165.96 km
Chalons-en-Champagne 167.02 km
Bethune 170.24 km
Caen 177.66 km
Valenciennes 179.55 km
Le Mans 179.83 km
Bologne sur mer 188.07 km
Lille 190.68 km
Tourcoing 197.2 km
Tournai 197.8 km
Mons 207.34 km
Mouscron 209.98 km
Tours 210.87 km
Kortrijk 216.16 km
Ronse 219.2 km
La Louviere 220.39 km
Dunkirk 222.42 km
Soignies 222.8 km
Roeselare 225.16 km
Charleroi 228.62 km

Select city to calculate distance from Cergy, France

Check distances from Roeselare

City Distance
Kortrijk 16.6 km
Mouscron 22.53 km
Bruges 29.72 km
Tourcoing 30.02 km
Ostend 33.92 km
Lille 35.36 km
Ronse 40.33 km
De Panne 41.11 km
Tournai 42.53 km
Gent 42.94 km
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France, Cergy