Distance from Mulhouse to Luxembourg

Distance information from Mulhouse, France to Luxembourg

Geographical distance from Mulhouse to Luxembourg

224.51 kilometers
139.1 seven miles
120.95 nautical miles

Road distance from Mulhouse to Luxembourg

Distance on the map From Mulhouse, France to Luxembourg

Closest distances from Mulhouse, France

City Distance
Basel 28.84 km
Freiburg 47.27 km
Bern 89.72 km
Strasbourg 97.16 km
Zurich 100.09 km
Lucerne 107.66 km
Besancon 113.39 km
Nancy 134.69 km
Karlsruhe 160.42 km
Pforzheim 161.59 km
Reutlingen 162.17 km
Saarbrucken 168.92 km
Metz 173.99 km
Vaduz 177.91 km
Stuttgart 178.21 km
Dijon 178.29 km
Annemasse 194.55 km
Geneva 195.28 km
Ludwigshafen 206.22 km
Heilbronn 207.65 km
Heidelberg 208.17 km
Ulm 209.46 km
Mannheim 210.32 km
Verdun 211.32 km
Luxembourg 224.51 km
Trier 227.17 km
Varese 243.33 km
Landeck 252.53 km
Como 254.46 km
Darmstadt 254.93 km

Select city to calculate distance from Mulhouse, France

Check distances from Luxembourg

City Distance
Trier 39.3 km
Metz 54.8 km
Verdun 72.17 km
Saarbrucken 74.58 km
Rochefort 89.39 km
Malmedy 91.12 km
Nancy 102.03 km
Verviers 110.7 km
Seraing 117.07 km
Herstal 124.45 km
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France, Mulhouse