Distance from Orleans to Chalons-en-Champagne

Distance information from Orleans, France to Chalons-en-Champagne

Geographical distance from Orleans to Chalons-en-Champagne

215.21 kilometers
133.52 seven miles
116.09 nautical miles

Road distance from Orleans to Chalons-en-Champagne

Distance on the map From Orleans, France to Chalons-en-Champagne

Closest distances from Orleans, France

City Distance
Dreux 100.08 km
Versailles 100.41 km
Tours 108.25 km
Paris 110.68 km
Argenteuil 119.85 km
Cergy 127.17 km
Le Mans 127.79 km
Meaux 139.28 km
Poitiers 188.83 km
Angers 190.58 km
Chalons-en-Champagne 215.21 km
Reims 216.58 km
Caen 219.22 km
Le Havre 220.79 km
Amiens 223.08 km
Limoges 235.73 km
Saint Quentin 238.32 km
Dijon 243.96 km
Clermont-Ferrand 253.05 km
Rennes 268.21 km
Nantes 271.08 km
Douai 288.54 km
Verdun 293.18 km
Bethune 296.68 km
Valenciennes 297.02 km
La Rochelle 302.57 km
Bologne sur mer 312.83 km
Lille 314.91 km
Besancon 317.93 km
Tournai 318.98 km

Select city to calculate distance from Orleans, France

Check distances from Chalons-en-Champagne

City Distance
Reims 40.94 km
Verdun 79.96 km
Meaux 106.21 km
Saint Quentin 125.41 km
Metz 134 km
Nancy 136.96 km
Paris 147.08 km
Rochefort 147.68 km
Luxembourg 147.73 km
Argenteuil 153.72 km
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