Distance from Poitiers to Bordeaux

Distance information from Poitiers, France to Bordeaux

Geographical distance from Poitiers to Bordeaux

207.02 kilometers
128.55 seven miles
111.77 nautical miles

Road distance from Poitiers to Bordeaux

Distance on the map From Poitiers, France to Bordeaux

Closest distances from Poitiers, France

City Distance
Tours 93.3 km
Limoges 109.74 km
Angers 120.43 km
La Rochelle 123.98 km
Le Mans 158.65 km
Nantes 160.87 km
Orleans 188.83 km
Bordeaux 207.02 km
Rennes 226.36 km
Clermont-Ferrand 229.92 km
Dreux 251.45 km
Agen 265.52 km
Versailles 279.8 km
Caen 293.83 km
Paris 294.19 km
Argenteuil 300.39 km
Cergy 302.69 km
Le Havre 325.06 km
Meaux 327.33 km
Saint-Etienne 337.4 km
Saint Helier 342.05 km
Toulouse 342.21 km
Lyon 357.5 km
Dijon 366.4 km
Pau 368.67 km
Vienne 368.8 km
Bayonne 372.65 km
Saint Peter Port 385.05 km
Amiens 395.97 km
Chalons-en-Champagne 399.74 km

Select city to calculate distance from Poitiers, France

Check distances from Bordeaux

City Distance
Agen 118.54 km
La Rochelle 154.12 km
Bayonne 166.17 km
Pau 170.83 km
Limoges 181.89 km
San Sebastian 202.37 km
Poitiers 207.02 km
Toulouse 211.16 km
Pamplona (Iruna) 240.27 km
Bilbao 256.73 km
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France, Poitiers