Distance from Alessandria to Vercelli

Distance information from Alessandria, Italy to Vercelli

Geographical distance from Alessandria to Vercelli

47.92 kilometers
29.19 seven miles
25.38 nautical miles

Road distance from Alessandria to Vercelli

Distance on the map From Alessandria, Italy to Vercelli

Closest distances from Alessandria, Italy

City Distance
Asti 31.79 km
Vercelli 47.92 km
Vigevano 48.98 km
Pavia 52.9 km
Novara 59.4 km
Genoa 62.38 km
Savona 69.24 km
Moncalieri 73.46 km
Torino 75.65 km
Milan 76.33 km
Rho 76.83 km
Busto Arsizio 79.6 km
Legnano 79.95 km
Gallarate 83.92 km
Collegno 84.1 km
Sesto San Giovanni 84.85 km
Piacenza 86.29 km
Cinisello Balsamo 86.33 km
Monza 91.15 km
Varese 102.62 km
Cuneo 102.78 km
Como 106.15 km
Cremona 114.16 km
Levanto 114.63 km
Monterosso al Mare 118.9 km
Bergamo 121.03 km
Corniglia 126.72 km
Manarola 126.8 km
Riomaggiore 127.39 km
La Spezia 131.86 km

Select city to calculate distance from Alessandria, Italy

Check distances from Vercelli

City Distance
San Remo 0.11 km
Novara 21.2 km
Monaco 30.23 km
Nice 41.7 km
Busto Arsizio 46.42 km
Gallarate 47.44 km
Alessandria 47.92 km
Legnano 49.47 km
Asti 49.72 km
Rho 53.93 km
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Italy, Alessandria