Distance from Pineto to San Severo

Distance information from Pineto, Italy to San Severo

Geographical distance from Pineto to San Severo

149.72 kilometers
92.53 seven miles
80.45 nautical miles

Road distance from Pineto to San Severo

Distance on the map From Pineto, Italy to San Severo

Closest distances from Pineto, Italy

City Distance
Montesilvano 12.45 km
Pescara 20.86 km
Chieti 30.22 km
Teramo 30.27 km
Ascoli Piceno 48.21 km
L’Aquila 61.7 km
Vasto 76.46 km
Terni 116.09 km
Foligno 117.23 km
Ancona 120.35 km
Frosinone 123.59 km
Tivoli 126.58 km
Campobasso 126.92 km
Guidonia Montecelio 129.66 km
Perugia 147.51 km
Velletri 147.57 km
San Severo 149.72 km
Rome 152.03 km
Latina 159.31 km
Fano 160.76 km
Viterbo 161.77 km
Aprilia 162.11 km
Pomezia 166.44 km
Bolsena 169.98 km
Pesaro 172.16 km
Caserta 172.69 km
Benevento 175.16 km
Anzio 175.84 km
Foggia 176.92 km
Fiumicino 177.13 km

Select city to calculate distance from Pineto, Italy

Check distances from San Severo

City Distance
Foggia 28.3 km
Manfredonia 44.79 km
Campobasso 61.17 km
Cerignola 63.49 km
Vasto 73.44 km
Benevento 79.88 km
Barletta 85.6 km
Andria 91.7 km
Trani 97.52 km
Avellino 98.92 km
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Italy, Pineto