Distance from Pistoia to Lucca

Distance information from Pistoia, Italy to Lucca

Geographical distance from Pistoia to Lucca

35.32 kilometers
21.74 seven miles
18.9 nautical miles

Road distance from Pistoia to Lucca

Distance on the map From Pistoia, Italy to Lucca

Closest distances from Pistoia, Italy

City Distance
Prato 16.06 km
Scandicci 28.9 km
Florence 32.61 km
Lucca 35.32 km
Pisa 47.53 km
Viareggio 52.86 km
Massa 63.06 km
Livorno 63.51 km
Carrara 67.35 km
Bologna 71.49 km
Siena 75.76 km
Modena 79.8 km
Imola 79.84 km
Faenza 86.8 km
Reggio Emilia 88.37 km
La Spezia 89.44 km
Corniglia 89.64 km
Arezzo 93.51 km
Forlì 95.72 km
Riomaggiore 95.9 km
Manarola 96.11 km
Monterosso al Mare 103.61 km
Levanto 107.61 km
Parma 107.84 km
Cesena 108.98 km
Cortona 112.93 km
Ferrara 115.52 km
Ravenna 116.33 km
San Marino 122.82 km
Grosseto 130.78 km

Select city to calculate distance from Pistoia, Italy

Check distances from Lucca

City Distance
Pisa 15.44 km
Viareggio 19.06 km
Livorno 34.86 km
Pistoia 35.32 km
Massa 35.52 km
Carrara 41.03 km
Prato 49.16 km
Scandicci 55.79 km
La Spezia 61.01 km
Florence 61.71 km
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Italy, Pistoia