Distance from Udine to Bad Gastein

Distance information from Udine, Italy to Bad Gastein

Geographical distance from Udine to Bad Gastein

116.24 kilometers
72.04 seven miles
62.63 nautical miles

Road distance from Udine to Bad Gastein

Distance on the map From Udine, Italy to Bad Gastein

Closest distances from Udine, Italy

City Distance
Pordenone 46.12 km
Sezana 63.61 km
Trieste 63.7 km
Piran 66.46 km
Bled 75.93 km
Villach 76.13 km
Spittal an der Drau 83.4 km
Novigrad 87.4 km
Treviso 88.96 km
Lienz 91.92 km
Porec 98.1 km
Ljubljana 98.15 km
Venice 99.62 km
Klagenfurt 102.63 km
Bad Gastein 116.24 km
Chioggia 120.89 km
Rijeka 124.77 km
Padua 128.95 km
Kaprun 138.42 km
Pula 142.08 km
Vicenza 143.09 km
Wolfsberg 149.24 km
Bolzano 152.15 km
Krk 156.26 km
Rovigo 158.37 km
Mayrhofen 160.62 km
Trento 162.91 km
Judenburg 163.86 km
Kitzbuhel 166 km
Hallstatt 167.89 km

Select city to calculate distance from Udine, Italy

Check distances from Bad Gastein

City Distance
Kaprun 33.47 km
Lienz 42.08 km
Spittal an der Drau 44.32 km
Hallstatt 62.26 km
Kitzbuhel 67.33 km
Salzburg 76.6 km
Villach 78.25 km
Mayrhofen 96.43 km
Liezen 97.52 km
Klagenfurt 104.62 km
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Italy, Udine