Distance from Vittoria to Reggio Calabria

Distance information from Vittoria, Italy to Reggio Calabria

Geographical distance from Vittoria to Reggio Calabria

161.46 kilometers
99.98 seven miles
86.93 nautical miles

Road distance from Vittoria to Reggio Calabria

Distance on the map From Vittoria, Italy to Reggio Calabria

Closest distances from Vittoria, Italy

City Distance
Ragusa 17.16 km
Modica 21.59 km
Gela 29.81 km
Syracuse 67.95 km
Caltanissetta 72.94 km
Catania 78 km
Acireale 91.95 km
Agrigento 93.95 km
Island of Gozo 103.41 km
Valletta 116.7 km
Rabat (Ir-Rabat) 119.83 km
Sciacca 143.45 km
Bagheria 154.25 km
Reggio Calabria 161.46 km
Messina 164.4 km
Palermo 165.72 km
Mazara del Vallo 188.16 km
Marsala 208.04 km
Trapani 212.47 km
Lamezia Terme 272.38 km
Catanzaro 282.33 km
Cosenza 300.67 km
Acquappesa 308.65 km
Crotone 327.88 km
Nabeul 343.49 km
Tunis 390.09 km
Capri 401.1 km
Battipaglia 408.48 km
Salerno 415.54 km
Castellammare di Stabia 416.9 km

Select city to calculate distance from Vittoria, Italy

Check distances from Reggio Calabria

City Distance
Messina 12.84 km
Acireale 69.51 km
Catania 83.48 km
Lamezia Terme 111.43 km
Syracuse 118.84 km
Catanzaro 121.06 km
Cosenza 142.37 km
Ragusa 154.66 km
Caltanissetta 155.5 km
Acquappesa 156.82 km
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Italy, Vittoria