Distance from Kyoto to Matsuyama

Distance information from Kyoto, Japan to Matsuyama

Geographical distance from Kyoto to Matsuyama

302.79 kilometers
187.54 seven miles
163.07 nautical miles

Road distance from Kyoto to Matsuyama

Distance on the map From Kyoto, Japan to Matsuyama

Closest distances from Kyoto, Japan

City Distance
Otsu 9.44 km
Nara 33.4 km
Osaka 39.61 km
Kobe 62.91 km
Tsu 75.09 km
Wakayama 99.58 km
Ichinomiya 101.17 km
Gifu 103.29 km
Nagoya 106.64 km
Fukui 127.53 km
Tottori 149.8 km
Toyama 230.97 km
Shizuoka 238.57 km
Matsue 251.42 km
Kochi 258.27 km
Nagano 286.66 km
Matsuyama 302.79 km
Hiroshima 307.22 km
Maebashi 337.07 km
Yamato 339.57 km
Yokohama 357.45 km
Kawasaki 362.69 km
Saitama 365.51 km
Tokyo 371.89 km
Chiba 400.84 km
Yamaguchi 401.35 km
Niigata 438.43 km
Mito 452.89 km
Kitakyushu 467.88 km
Fukuoka 515.85 km

Select city to calculate distance from Kyoto, Japan

Check distances from Matsuyama

City Distance
Hiroshima 68.33 km
Kochi 77.48 km
Yamaguchi 124.5 km
Kitakyushu 177.46 km
Matsue 183.25 km
Fukuoka 220.6 km
Kumamoto 223.26 km
Wakayama 226.09 km
Tottori 228.54 km
Kobe 240.73 km
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Japan, Kyoto