Distance from Panevezys to Saldus

Distance information from Panevezys, Lithuania to Saldus

Geographical distance from Panevezys to Saldus

155.52 kilometers
96.26 seven miles
83.69 nautical miles

Road distance from Panevezys to Saldus

Distance on the map From Panevezys, Lithuania to Saldus

Closest distances from Panevezys, Lithuania

City Distance
Birzai 57.29 km
Siauliai 69.42 km
Bauska 75.42 km
Moletai 87.01 km
Kaunas 97.85 km
Elektrenai 107.1 km
Jelgava 109.34 km
Aizkraukle 111.2 km
Naujoji Akmene 115.45 km
Dobele 119.7 km
Ogre 121.34 km
Jekabpils 126.2 km
Trakai 127.06 km
Birstonas 127.38 km
Vilnius 129.7 km
Livani 132.59 km
Telsiai 135.51 km
Riga 135.86 km
Daugavpils 136.61 km
Jurmala 141.48 km
Alytus 150.3 km
Saldus 155.52 km
Tukums 156.35 km
Preili 159.29 km
Sigulda 160.92 km
Madona 168.81 km
Saulkrasti 170.42 km
Vecpiebalga 172.5 km
Kraslava 175.92 km
Varaklani 177.24 km

Select city to calculate distance from Panevezys, Lithuania

Check distances from Saldus

City Distance
Kuldiga 47.17 km
Dobele 48.48 km
Naujoji Akmene 49.42 km
Tukums 52.53 km
Aizpute 54.5 km
Talsi 65 km
Jelgava 75.23 km
Telsiai 76.98 km
Jurmala 84.66 km
Liepaja 92.65 km
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Lithuania, Panevezys