Distance from Venlo to Duesseldorf

Distance information from Venlo, Netherlands to Duesseldorf

Geographical distance from Venlo to Duesseldorf

45.12 kilometers
27.95 seven miles
24.3 nautical miles

Road distance from Venlo to Duesseldorf

Distance on the map From Venlo, Netherlands to Duesseldorf

Closest distances from Venlo, Netherlands

City Distance
Stogger 13.82 km
Venray 22.27 km
Roermond 23.7 km
Monchengladbach 27.02 km
Deurne 28.23 km
Asten 29.88 km
Moers 33.52 km
Weert 34.93 km
Boxmeer 35.11 km
Neuss 38.21 km
Gennep 38.92 km
Gemert 39.3 km
Duesseldorf 45.12 km
Sittard 46.72 km
Mulheim 49.68 km
Uden 49.78 km
Valkenswaard 49.87 km
Oberhausen 50 km
Eindhoven 50.48 km
Geleen 51.07 km
Veghel 52 km
Heerlen 55.41 km
Nijmegen 55.99 km
Maasmechelen 56.24 km
Bottrop 57.33 km
Essen 59.2 km
Ulft 59.71 km
Oss 62.81 km
Middelbeers 64.95 km
Genk 65.18 km

Select city to calculate distance from Venlo, Netherlands

Check distances from Duesseldorf

City Distance
Neuss 8.56 km
Solingen 20.75 km
Mulheim 22.66 km
Monchengladbach 24.09 km
Leverkusen 25.83 km
Wuppertal 25.9 km
Moers 28.33 km
Remscheid 29.16 km
Essen 30.6 km
Oberhausen 31.46 km
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Netherlands, Venlo