Distance from New Plymouth to Coffs Harbour

Distance information from New Plymouth, New Zealand to Coffs Harbour

Geographical distance from New Plymouth to Coffs Harbour

2142.8 kilometers
1330.18 seven miles
1156.59 nautical miles

Road distance from New Plymouth to Coffs Harbour

Distance on the map From New Plymouth, New Zealand to Coffs Harbour

Closest distances from New Plymouth, New Zealand

City Distance
Wanganui 126.73 km
Rotorua 214.13 km
Hastings 246.24 km
Auckland 250.08 km
Wellington 254.04 km
Nelson 255.88 km
Paihia 420.2 km
Russell 422.85 km
Kerikeri 426.92 km
Christchurch 511.41 km
Queenstown 799.63 km
Kingston 1246.86 km
Noumea 2000.86 km
Port Macquarie 2095.42 km
Newcastle, NSW 2116.63 km
Sydney, NSW 2122.81 km
Wollongong 2123.42 km
Gosford, NSW 2127.22 km
Coffs Harbour 2142.8 km
Mata-Utu (on Ile Uvea) 2170.97 km
Ballina 2198.69 km
Byron Bay 2209.18 km
Nuku`alofa 2240.13 km
Canberra, ACT 2244.09 km
Kadavu 2258.85 km
Hobart, TAS 2276.82 km
Tamworth 2278.05 km
Launceston 2292.35 km
Orange 2324.8 km
Brisbane, QLD 2333.96 km

Select city to calculate distance from New Plymouth, New Zealand

Check distances from Coffs Harbour

City Distance
Port Macquarie 128.55 km
Ballina 165.64 km
Byron Bay 190.1 km
Tamworth 229.02 km
Brisbane, QLD 314.37 km
Newcastle, NSW 319.53 km
Toowoomba 326.05 km
Gosford, NSW 386.44 km
Sydney, NSW 439 km
Wollongong 504.37 km