Distance from Paihia to Kadavu

Distance information from Paihia, New Zealand to Kadavu

Geographical distance from Paihia to Kadavu

1847.97 kilometers
1146.99 seven miles
997.3 nautical miles

Road distance from Paihia to Kadavu

Distance on the map From Paihia, New Zealand to Kadavu

Closest distances from Paihia, New Zealand

City Distance
Russell 4.24 km
Kerikeri 13.71 km
Auckland 187.88 km
Rotorua 371.33 km
New Plymouth 420.2 km
Wanganui 523.54 km
Hastings 541.99 km
Wellington 669.96 km
Nelson 670.52 km
Kingston 901.37 km
Christchurch 925.56 km
Queenstown 1177.08 km
Noumea 1624.2 km
Mata-Utu (on Ile Uvea) 1786.77 km
Kadavu 1847.97 km
Nuku`alofa 1887.93 km
Pacific Harbour 1936.16 km
Suva 1953.84 km
Nadi 1975.38 km
Port Macquarie 2010.06 km
Coffs Harbour 2032.6 km
Port-Vila 2038.7 km
Ballina 2057.37 km
Byron Bay 2063.51 km
Newcastle, NSW 2070.65 km
Gosford, NSW 2094.48 km
Sydney, NSW 2100.79 km
Wollongong 2114.56 km
Savusavu 2122.95 km
Brisbane, QLD 2173.95 km

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Check distances from Kadavu

City Distance
Pacific Harbour 91.15 km
Suva 106.45 km
Nadi 160.26 km
Savusavu 283.94 km
Nuku`alofa 733.57 km
Port-Vila 1043.08 km
Funafuti 1177.63 km
Mata-Utu (on Ile Uvea) 1222.04 km
Apia 1224.12 km
Alofi 1260.97 km
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New Zealand, Paihia