Distance from Sandnes to Fredrikstad

Distance information from Sandnes, Norway to Fredrikstad

Geographical distance from Sandnes to Fredrikstad

300.35 kilometers
186.3 seven miles
161.99 nautical miles

Road distance from Sandnes to Fredrikstad

Distance on the map From Sandnes, Norway to Fredrikstad

Closest distances from Sandnes, Norway

City Distance
Stavanger 12.74 km
Egersund 47.18 km
Haugesund 68.15 km
Lyngdal 110.98 km
Mandal 135.38 km
Kristiansand 153.57 km
Lillesand 167.13 km
Bergen 172.06 km
Arendal 180.87 km
Skien 224.83 km
Porsgrunn 226.44 km
Flam 234.8 km
Larvik 247.12 km
Sandefjord 258.39 km
Tonsberg 271.23 km
Drammen 272.48 km
Honefoss 294.21 km
Fredrikstad 300.35 km
Oslo 307.05 km
Sarpsborg 310.12 km
Aalborg 318.64 km
Lillehammer 363.85 km
Hamar 368.23 km
Trollhättan 385.37 km
Gothenburg 387.24 km
Aarhus 400.36 km
Alesund 403.22 km
Borås 438.64 km
Molde 439.44 km
Karlstad 447.31 km

Select city to calculate distance from Sandnes, Norway

Check distances from Fredrikstad

City Distance
Sarpsborg 11.39 km
Tonsberg 30.34 km
Sandefjord 42.4 km
Larvik 55.09 km
Drammen 71.07 km
Porsgrunn 73.92 km
Skien 75.95 km
Oslo 79.09 km
Honefoss 112.36 km
Trollhättan 130.11 km
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Norway, Sandnes