Distance from Braila to Burgas

Distance information from Braila, Romania to Burgas

Geographical distance from Braila to Burgas

313.38 kilometers
194.37 seven miles
169.01 nautical miles

Road distance from Braila to Burgas

Distance on the map From Braila, Romania to Burgas

Closest distances from Braila, Romania

City Distance
Galati 14.12 km
Constanta 134.8 km
Ploiesti 157.85 km
Bucharest 174.35 km
Brasov 188.13 km
Chisinau 203.38 km
Iasi 209.85 km
Golden sands 223.84 km
Ruse 226.32 km
Varna 230.99 km
Odessa 248.78 km
Beltsy 274.01 km
Tirgu-Mures 298.92 km
Sibiu 304.09 km
Pomorie 305.07 km
Burgas 313.38 km
Sozopol 320.49 km
Craiova 345.71 km
Alba Lulia 352.76 km
Sinemorets 359.12 km
Cluj-Napoca 374.83 km
Kırklareli 400.1 km
Edirne 418.44 km
Eupatoria 421.91 km
Kolomyia 423.56 km
Vidin 428.17 km
Baia Mare 429.32 km
Plovdiv 435.47 km
Sevastopol 450.64 km
Belogradchik 458.8 km

Select city to calculate distance from Braila, Romania

Check distances from Burgas

City Distance
Pomorie 15.26 km
Sozopol 20.63 km
Sinemorets 62.76 km
Kırklareli 87.13 km
Varna 87.59 km
Golden sands 98.71 km
Edirne 118.24 km
Ruse 193.95 km
Istanbul 204.94 km
Constanta 209.14 km
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Romania, Braila