Distance from Ferrol to Brest

Distance information from Ferrol, Spain to Brest

Geographical distance from Ferrol to Brest

615.5 kilometers
381.92 seven miles
332.07 nautical miles

Road distance from Ferrol to Brest

Distance on the map From Ferrol, Spain to Brest

Closest distances from Ferrol, Spain

City Distance
A Coruna 23.4 km
La Coruna 23.51 km
Santiago 74.87 km
Lugo 74.97 km
Pontevedra Marin 124.71 km
Ourense 132.37 km
Vigo 147.41 km
Gijon 203.53 km
Leon 235.66 km
Vila Real 247.71 km
Porto 262.32 km
Torrelavega 335 km
Palencia 341.82 km
Salamanca 350.73 km
Valladolid 350.82 km
Burgos 388.43 km
Bilbao 426.73 km
Vitoria Gasteiz 452.53 km
Logrono 481.93 km
San Sebastian 502.42 km
Madrid 506.49 km
Guadalajara 523.62 km
Badajoz 523.82 km
Toledo 532.02 km
Pamplona (Iruna) 536.68 km
Lisbon 536.92 km
Bayonne 541.32 km
Brest 615.5 km
Bordeaux 625.13 km
La Rochelle 628.75 km

Select city to calculate distance from Ferrol, Spain

Check distances from Brest

City Distance
Saint Peter Port 184.51 km
Saint Helier 194.51 km
Rennes 209.92 km
Plymouth 222.33 km
Nantes 254.46 km
Angers 309.81 km
Caen 314.19 km
Shaftesbury 333.37 km
Weston-super-Mare 345.44 km
Porthcawl - Wales 347.34 km
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Spain, Ferrol