Distance from Geneva to Collegno

Distance information from Geneva, Switzerland to Collegno

Geographical distance from Geneva to Collegno

166.33 kilometers
103.09 seven miles
89.63 nautical miles

Road distance from Geneva to Collegno

Distance on the map From Geneva, Switzerland to Collegno

Closest distances from Geneva, Switzerland

City Distance
Annemasse 11.78 km
Lyon 111.94 km
Besancon 116.09 km
Grenoble 116.77 km
Vienne 123.12 km
Bern 130.13 km
Dijon 150.24 km
Saint-Etienne 158.85 km
Collegno 166.33 km
Torino 172.73 km
Moncalieri 179.47 km
Basel 187.07 km
Lucerne 190.52 km
Mulhouse 195.28 km
Novara 209.59 km
Varese 212.09 km
Gallarate 214.03 km
Asti 215.83 km
Busto Arsizio 219.7 km
Zurich 224.32 km
Legnano 224.67 km
Cuneo 229.44 km
Como 231.65 km
Vigevano 232.06 km
Rho 236.22 km
Freiburg 238.56 km
Alessandria 239.32 km
Clermont-Ferrand 240.16 km
Cinisello Balsamo 248.35 km
Milan 249.66 km

Select city to calculate distance from Geneva, Switzerland

Check distances from Collegno

City Distance
Torino 8.5 km
Moncalieri 13.16 km
Asti 54.11 km
Vercelli 71.98 km
Cuneo 77.46 km
Alessandria 84.1 km
Novara 92.25 km
Vigevano 104.38 km
Savona 112.39 km
Gallarate 115.54 km
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Switzerland, Geneva