Distance from Bandirma to Burgas

Distance information from Bandirma, Turkey to Burgas

Geographical distance from Bandirma to Burgas

242.53 kilometers
150.28 seven miles
130.67 nautical miles

Road distance from Bandirma to Burgas

Distance on the map From Bandirma, Turkey to Burgas

Closest distances from Bandirma, Turkey

City Distance
Balıkesir 78.54 km
Bursa 93.22 km
Istanbul 114.57 km
Yalova 116.32 km
Canakkale 134.06 km
Golcuk 161.5 km
Derince 162.55 km
Kırklareli 166.33 km
Izmit 173.82 km
Alexandroupolis 185.52 km
Edirne 187.86 km
Sinemorets 190.61 km
Aliaga 192.7 km
Manisa 197.87 km
Lesvos 198.63 km
Turgutlu 207.36 km
Salihli 207.84 km
Sakarya 209.65 km
Usak 223.63 km
Izmir 225.94 km
Eskişehir 226.61 km
Sozopol 231.12 km
Odemis 236.2 km
Burgas 242.53 km
Pomorie 247.41 km
Urla 247.9 km
Nazilli 272.85 km
Aydin 278.96 km
Afyonkarahisar 283.05 km
Kusadasi 283.84 km

Select city to calculate distance from Bandirma, Turkey

Check distances from Burgas

City Distance
Pomorie 15.26 km
Sozopol 20.63 km
Sinemorets 62.76 km
Kırklareli 87.13 km
Varna 87.59 km
Golden sands 98.71 km
Edirne 118.24 km
Ruse 193.95 km
Istanbul 204.94 km
Constanta 209.14 km
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Turkey, Bandirma