Distance from Bardon Mill, Hexham to Birmingham

Distance information from Bardon Mill, Hexham, United Kingdom to Birmingham

Geographical distance from Bardon Mill, Hexham to Birmingham

279.21 kilometers
173.26 seven miles
150.65 nautical miles

Road distance from Bardon Mill, Hexham to Birmingham

Distance on the map From Bardon Mill, Hexham, United Kingdom to Birmingham

Closest distances from Bardon Mill, Hexham, United Kingdom

City Distance
Sunderland 61.08 km
Keswick, Cumbria 66.07 km
Edinburgh 120.41 km
Bradford 137.6 km
York 139.75 km
Leeds 141.14 km
Glasgow 155.51 km
Bolton 155.97 km
Manchester 167.04 km
Liverpool 179.51 km
Crieff 181.68 km
Sheffield 186.65 km
Belfast 234.04 km
Derby 235.91 km
Nottingham 238.25 km
Aberdeen 241.6 km
Leicester 272.81 km
Sandwell 276.41 km
Birmingham 279.21 km
Coventry 291.38 km
Inverness 300.85 km
Dublin 313.6 km
Wicklow 328.78 km
Cheltenham 343.13 km
Milton Keynes 344.45 km
Bury St Edmunds 364.86 km
Nailsworth 365.27 km
Chipping Sodbury 382.79 km
Maesteg - Wales 385.03 km
Bristol 392.26 km

Select city to calculate distance from Bardon Mill, Hexham, United Kingdom

Check distances from Birmingham

City Distance
Sandwell 5.15 km
Coventry 27.29 km
Leicester 54.32 km
Derby 56.27 km
Cheltenham 66.25 km
Nottingham 72.16 km
Nailsworth 90.34 km
Milton Keynes 93.93 km
Sheffield 104.08 km
Chipping Sodbury 110.67 km